
To change our blog favicon, you have to prepare a favicon file first. Favicon have .ico extension. If you already have a favicon file, you can skip this step. If not. we can generate an image into favicon file using www.favicon.cc as shown as below :

After open the site, you can click Import Image, at this step, we can choose the file that wil be our favicon.

After import image, it will show the favicon design as shown as below :

The last step to generate favicon file is click Download Favicon menu at Preview. The favicon file will be store at our computer.

Now, we have a favicon that will be set as our favicon blog. The next step is login to www.blogspot.com and choose Design menu - > Page Elements. At the top left corner you will see the favicon edit menu. Click it. It will show the window as shown as below :

Find our favicon file and then click Save. The favicon at page elements will change to our new favicon. But browser not shown it. Don’t worry, it will be work after we restart the browser or clean chace browser. Ok…


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