
One of important thing is to see some feedback from our readers. We know what are our options in Blogger:

  • visitors/readers can use comments (but they are attached only to a certain post)
  • We can add a Shout box (Chat box) to our sidebar
  • something else?

Our Guestbook entries will be about us, our Blog etc. After search using google, I found good Guestbook provider at www.bravenet.com/guestbook as shown as below :

We can click Get Our Guestbook Today. Braveapps require an account before we can get guestbook code. Fill the form as shown as below.

After fill that form, braveapps will send verification code to your email, open your email, copy the verification code and paste to email validation required form at breapps.

After click validate button, select web apps tab and click register button on guestbook option :

Select free or professional guestbook and then click Continue :

Fill the Guestbook Setup Wizard and don't forget to select Pick Theme :

Sample of your guestbook will be show. To get the code, click Get Code button on the top right of form.

The last step is copy the code and paste to we blog. Congrotulation, now we have the guest book. To manage this guest book, we can login to www.braveapps.com using our account, and adjust size of window, color, text message and much more....have fun


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